Thursday, September 11, 2008

What is more insulting to Americans- the comments that Democrats make or the comments the Democrats make when trying to explain the comments they made that they shouldn't have made?

As some in the DFL clearly begin clucking like Chicken Little- either with lipstick or without- it seems there is a growing fear that the man who would be King might actually be just a guy who isn't up to the job.  Panic leads to chaos and we are seeing it.

Example 1: 
Lots of politicians have talked about the pig with lipstick still being a pig.  The only problem: the context in which previous statements have been made was completely different.  Clearly, everyone in the country with a TV or radio heard Governor Palin's joke about pit bulls and lipstick.  As Obama gave a speech talking about putting lipstick on pig, he actually paused to let the line reverberate with the crowd.  As this partisan crowd laughed, he continued- clearly pleased with himself for hitting the right note with this audience.  Those in attendance obviously caught the joke.  As news of the comment leaked out to the real world- it was clear to all what he meant.  Those outside the far-left saw the comment for what it was- a cheap shot one might expect from a junior high bully.  As Obama tried to convince we, the people that the media and Republicans over reacted- he simply looked more ridiculous than he had the day before.  If he really didn't know how his comment would be taken one must wonder about his ability to assess the political landscape.  A man with this sort of judgement may be vulnerable to making such mistakes in other circumstances.  I wonder if his appearance on Letterman, in which he continued his audacious effort to explain away his lipstick comment, will help him with non-lefty voters or further cement him as the candidate of hype and celebrity...

Example 2:
South Carolina Democratic party Chairwoman Carol Fowler noted that Palin's primary qualification for being the VP nominee was that she hadn't had an abortion.  IS SHE KIDDING?
This woman should be canned immediately.  Once it became apparent that the comment was in outrageously bad taste, Ms. Fowler apologized and tried to dig herself out of the abyss by noting that she was talking about single issue voters.  Her admission that her statement was clumsy may be one of the season's biggest understatements...

Example 3:
The new talking point: Democrats like Steve Cohen D-Tenn, and Donna Brazile have now reminded voters that Jesus was a community organizer and Pontius Pilate was a Governor. Unbelievable...

The liberal left wouldn't exist without the community organizers.  It is not bad to be a community organizer.  There are millions of community organizers.  I myself like to think at times I help to organize a community of conservatives to counter the community organizers of the left.  The point of the criticism of this aspect of Obama's resume is that community organizing is not a job that qualifies a person to be the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. As Obama's resume jumps from the job of community organizing to the position of state senator to his current job as a U.S. Senator, there are no bullet points on his resume demonstrating a skill set that might lead to the position of the Chief Executive of the United States.  

The frenzied speeches and silly comments indicate the Democratic Party is struggling with the possibility that the election will no longer be a coronation. The more the Democrats talk, the worse things become. Based on the three examples noted above,  Obama's camp would be better off asking all of their talking heads to take a vacation. Obama did well when he was vacationing in Hawaii...

Which brings us to the sad reality that Obama can give a great speech and that is actually the one skill he has that a President should have. The problem that many in his own camp are beginning to recognize: Speech giving, with a teleprompter, is his only actual skill.  

I would suggest that if we, the people want a President who can merely give a great speech, we should consider Bill Pullman.  Everyone who has seen Independence Day would acknowledge that Pullman's speech to the pilots getting ready to go fight alien invaders was incredible.  He didn't even need a teleprompter...

The next eight weeks will be filled with challenges for both parties. Republicans must try to keep the conversation focused on issues because it is clear that the Democrats have nothing to say about issues. Democrats need to find a way to keep Obama's foot out of his mouth as he seems to have become his party's greatest challenge. 

What is next? The lawyers are now invading Alaska, looking for any Palin problem the media has yet to uncover.  They will look for the tiniest shred of a possible problem.  The American people are not this stupid- they will see through the efforts of the few.  The efforts to bring down Palin skirt a very fine line.  Barring an obvious and clear transgression by Palin, the Democrats will continue to look petty and small in their quest.

Democrats will, most likely, continue to insult the average American by trying to spin their wobbling talking points even as those plates are falling to the floor..  A few points Democrats may want to note: 

Conservatives will stop referring to Obama as a former community organizer when liberals stop referring to Palin as the former Mayor of a small town. 

A smart politician stops digging the hole as soon as s/he realizes s/he is in it.

Apologies must be sincere to be believed.

Americans don't like to be insulted. 



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