Wednesday, April 23, 2008

As we conservatives sit back eating popcorn and watch the Democrats seem to disintegrate before our eyes, we should be careful not to choke on premature laughter.

As Clinton prepares to use the memory of Bush v. Gore to rally the Super Delegates to her cause, it is easy to cheer her on. Operation Chaos has been funny, but now we should begin to exercise caution.

Clinton will effectively argue, more convincingly after the big win in Pennsylvania, that she does in fact have a lead in the popular vote if all votes are counted. (click here for running total on Real Clear Politics)

Clinton will warn the SDs to look at the bigger picture- that Obama has spent 3 times the money and still couldn't win- even though he is the MSM's presumptive winner. He can not win the big states. She will warn them that he has alienated many outside the base and those independents that voted for him in Iowa might not look at him the same way now as they did then, when he was totally unknown and novel.

She will tell them they should wait to endorse to be sure they don't flock too soon. She will encourage them to not be fooled by slick talk.

She knows that if given time, Obama will sink his own ship. She knows that he fooled people with his phony "Audacity of Hope" rhetoric in the beginning but the story is getting boring. He has one good speech and people will get tired of hearing it again, and again and again. She knows that arrogance does not sit well with those in Middle America and Obama radiates arrogance.

She will assure them that she will work to bring the party together in a way that Obama can not because he is increasingly losing credibility with the working people. The elitist label is being used more often and it is starting to stick.

She will hammer the point that, like Bush in 2000, Obama wants to ignore the votes of the people. He wants to ignore the will of Florida AND Michigan. She will play on the bitter taste that still remains in the mouth of the base and encourage the Super Delegates to be the Court that gets it right. They will have the power to close the gap for one of them. She will argue that the Super Delegates should vote the way their constituencies vote. The Super Delegates from the critical states of California, Florida, Massachusetts, New York and Texas should follow the will of their people and vote for her.

And ultimately, she will say that all of the Super Delegates from the Obama states should think about whether or not the people of their state would vote the same way today as they did in the early primaries. She will remind them that she is a known entity and that her skeletons have all been out of the closet for years. If Super Delegates pledged their vote to Obama they should reconsider in June, based on the information that has since become available. She will challenge them to think about the consequences of an Obama loss that will likely follow the months of scrutiny he will now face. She will tell them that once all the primaries are finished, she will suspend her campaign if Obama has the lead.

And in private she will assure them that she will reach out to Obama to rehab his image and coach him to future success- she will help to prepare him to lead. If it is necessary, she will even offer him the VP slot to appease them.

Her warnings will be clear and they will be on the money.

Obama is an elitist and who seems to be turning Hillary Clinton into the woman of the people. Obama's far left politics help Clinton seems like a moderate.

Clinton and Obama are both beatable in November, but Obama is an easier target. While conservatives hope that Clinton does the dirty work of digging up the truth of Obama's extremism, they should also fear her success if she destroys him.



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