Tuesday, September 09, 2008

As a woman who is fairly politically aware I continue to be stunned by the "feminist" reaction to Sarah Palin. 

How do the "feminists" claim that Palin not represent real women?  Palin is a more typical woman than any leader of the NOW crowd could ever claim to be.

Feminist leader Gloria Steinem has an issue with Palin because she is a member of the NRA. Apparently women in the United States should be opposed to the Second Amendment if they want to curry favor with "feminists".

Steinem is opposed to Palin's belief that the U.S. must take a "use it all" approach to energy as we develop long term clean solutions to our energy disaster. Apparently "feminist" theory requires we all try to find a way to bicycle our kids to soccer practice and hockey games.

Steinem is opposed to Palin because Palin believes the "theory of evolution" should be taught alongside creationism. Apparently all those bitter, Bible-totin' Christians should ignore the public school efforts to undermine religion while the children of the "feminists" get to remain blissfully ignorant of one of the most read and written about books in the world.

Steinem is opposed to Palin because Palin questions the validity of global warming.  Has Steinem failed to note that even the most die-hard global warming zealots now use the term global climate change because the truth is the earth's temperature has stabilized and may be entering a cooling pattern?  Also if the new findings and fears about sunspots hold true- we may need all of the warming we can get as our world and agricultural strategies adjust to the climate change that results from the "dead face" of the sun. (click here for chart of sun spot frequency

Steinem is opposed to Palin because Palin is pro-Life. Steinem misrepresents Palin's views by asserting Palin "supports government control of women's wombs" rather than framing the issue as Palin wants women to control their own behavior and then take responsibility for the consequences of their conduct.  Palin also understands that women who are fully informed about prenatal development may make a different choice than Steinem and her "feminist" followers think best. It is Steinem who wants to keep women ignorant.

Steinem is opposed to Palin because Palin doesn't support "stem cell" research.  Steinem and her fellow "feminists" continually use incorrect terminology to attempt to undermine their political foes. Their efforts to convince ignorant people that all stem cell research is the same cuts to the core difference between liberals and conservatives today.  

Liberals like to speak in broad terms that pull an emotional punch and conservatives want to have legitimate, detailed discussions about policy.  Palin opposes embryonic stem cell research because in her view an embryo is a human being with the potential for life.  Steinem's misrepresentation of Palin's opposition to a specific type of stem cell research- embryonic- to suggest a total opposition to ALL stem cell research is at best disingenuous.  

Steinem's pro-abortion position colors her ability to talk truthfully about stem cells: There is no study to date that offers hope that embryonic stem cell research will yield any solution to any medical problem.  On the other hand, ADULT stem cells have led to very important treatments for leukemia and other cancers.  Additionally,  there is a growing belief in the vast potential for stem cells harvested from umbilical cord blood to lead to treatments for disease. One might think it logical to spend limited resources to expand upon success. Maybe "feminists" like Steinem prefer to pour money down drains that perpetuate their pro-abortion positions rather than into coffers that may actually lead to success in treating those with disabilities.

Steinem opposes Palin because Palin supports "abstinence- only" programs in school.  Some "feminists" have even suggested that Palin's view is the cause of her daughter's pregnancy. Actually, perhaps the problem facing teenagers and their parents is that the schools clearly undermine parental efforts to encourage abstinence only behavior by presenting non-abstinence as a more normal and natural occurrence.  Additionally, as society has become more tolerant of sexually explicit content on TV and in the media in general, any study purporting to draw a conclusion about the success or failure of "abstinence-only" programs must carefully attempt to sort out the influence of these external factors on children and teenagers.

The far-left positions of Steinem and her "feminist" followers are not in the mainstream and undermine the stability of the United States by undermining the stability of the American family.

I consider myself "pro-woman" and I know that women with children can make choices to secure both their families and their careers.  Strong women seek life partners who will support them in their quest to build a family and often a career. While Steinem may find this shocking, there are men out there who actually believe their wives can and should work, who will do laundry and cook dinner, who will do car pool and supervise play dates.  Some of these men actually volunteer to be the primary caretaker.  

I want my daughters to believe they can choose the life they lead but also to know that every choice they make will have a consequence.  I hope my daughters are strong enough to accept those consequences with grace and humility and integrity.

Steinem clings to her 1970s rhetoric and I have a message for her: Women have moved on, Gloria. The main issue for intelligent women is not whether women can have sexual relationships with whomever they want, whenever they want or even whether or not women can secure an abortion for any reason.

Some of us choose to read. Some of us choose to think beyond your talking points.  A growing number of us recognize this election is about more than party politics- it is about the future of this country and its ability to stand strong in a world of empowered dictators.  This election is about whether or not our country will develop a comprehensive strategy to achieve energy independence.  It is about whether our government will use tax policy to encourage the development of small business or undermine small business. It is about whether the government will begin to cut programs that encourage irresponsible behavior. It is about whether our government becomes becomes more involved in our daily lives or less involved. It is fundamentally about whether the people of the United States want a larger federal government or an empowered populace.

Gloria et al- This election is about so much more than  to your pro-choice, pro-sexual revolution policies that I could go on and on...

Instead I will simply conclude that after reading Steinem's position on Palin, I can honestly assert that women need Steinem's brand of feminism like a fish needs a bicycle...



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