Wednesday, April 30, 2008

While many wonder what Obama has done in the Senate, not enough are questioning what is he trying to do now.

Right now he is trying to force The Global Poverty Act on the people of the United States.

In perhaps one of the clearest indications of Obama's belief that the U.S. should be subject to U.N. influence, the bill includes the expectation that the U.S. would contribute 0.7% of GNP to the United Nations "Millennium Project" and also support the United Nations Millennium Declaration.

This Act would result in the U.S. Taxpayer paying hundreds of billions of dollars to some UN entity to fight poverty around the world (Click here to read AIM article) and implement other UN policies that are likely contrary to the interests of the United States.

The Global Poverty Act would be a foreign policy disaster for the United States. It may pass the Senate with a whimper if citizens don't encourage their Senators to oppose the bill.

Ending poverty is a noble goal. People around the world should identify programs they believe help the billions of people in poverty around the world and should then feel free to send as much of their private wealth to those organizations as they see fit. Micro loans are a great example of a way people can help others around the world.

The people of the United States are having an increasingly difficult time providing for their own families and communities. The United States government should refrain from committing U.S. taxpayers to providing for people around the world- especially as many around the world who live in poverty live in conditions imposed upon them by governments that aren't really interested in an increasing access to economic freedom, which is the real solution to poverty.

As President Obama would clearly lead us down a path towards a stronger UN and a weaker United States, his views on the UN should raise concerns for voters.



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