Monday, May 19, 2008

Barack and Michelle Obama need to toughen up. Their incessant whining about campaign ads that offer facts about what they say, what they do and what they believe is not only not presidential, it demonstrates their naivete and incompetence. (click here for Reuters' article)

"For the first time in my adult lifetime I'm proud of my country." Michelle Obama uttered these very meaningful words while on the campaign trail. This was not something she said in private and was taken out of context. This comment offers voters insight into her philosophy about life in America. It tells us how she feels about a country that has offered her more opportunity than the vast majority of people in the world could never begin to imagine.

Additionally, referring to the Tennessee Republican party as "low class" because it dared to try to show voters the true Obama perception of America (click here to see ad) actually shines light on the elitism felt by the Obama's. Bob Beckel's views aside- Obama and his wife are elitists who think anyone who disagrees with their one world view is ignorant.

When Michelle Obama told "Good Morning America" that her comments on her lack of pride in America weren't important because voters were more focused on the issues, she fails to grasp that her lack of pride in America IS an issue: She wants to help build an America she can be proud of- an America that increasingly whittles away the United States Constitution, American Sovereignty and the sovereignty of each of the 50 states. (By the way, I mean 50...)

I hope the Tennessee Republicans maintain their efforts to inform voters and I join with them in professing my absolute pride in America.



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