Sunday, April 13, 2008

I am generally opposed to increasing taxes on the already overburdened, underrepresented taxpayer. Proposed tax increases are all around us today, in spite of an economy teetering on a serious downturn. As taxpayers struggle to meet their monthly personal budgets, Democratic legislators all over the country seem to think that taking more money out of their pockets will help the situation...

A Democrat (of course) from San Jose, California has introduced a proposal to increase the tax from $.02 per beer can or bottle to $0.32 per can or bottle. (click here for article)

Thinking like a Democrat, Assemblyman Jim Beall has suggested that since the tax hasn't been raised since 1991, it is time.

This is an interesting approach to fleecing taxpayers- over time, all taxes should go up. We start at 1% then maybe 3% then why not 10% and then, if enough time has passed, 20% until eventually taxpayers can just hand it all over...

I would like to suggest a different approach, in California, Nevada and Arizona:

Leave the beer drinking American alone and impose a tax only on purchases of Absolut Vodka and target the revenue raised at fighting illegal immigration.
I know Absolut has apologized for its ridiculously ignorant ad but I think Absolut is Scarlett O'Hara sorry- it's all about getting caught...
(Actually, they can't target a tax like this but it is a tax I wouldn't oppose if it were possible)



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