Saturday, April 12, 2008

Anthony Brown has written a truly unbelievably piece in the UK's Daily Mail. (click here to read) Thanks to Drudge for linking to it...

As reports of tainted toys and toothpaste, slave labor, crackdowns on Internet users, ties to the genocide in the Sudan, violence in Tibet and countless other human rights violations continue to pour out of China, American politicians and greedy corporations continue to build relationships with the oppressive regime. Even our airline crisis may be tied to the moving of mechanics' jobs overseas to countries like China. (click here for Reuters article)

The Chinese government is a regime that has brilliantly capitalized on the willingness of the U.S. and countries around the world to ignore its politics and behavior in order to buy $2 t-shirts.

There is no multiculturalism in China. There is no freedom of the press, of religion, of speech. There is no economic freedom for the billion plus peasants working in fields and factories for a penny on the dollar. There is no child protection system. There is no legal system that cares about the rights of the people- there are no rights of the people.

The Olympic Committee's decision to award the summer games to a country that not only oppresses its own people but increasingly uses its power to undermine the security and welfare of people around the globe is indicative of the ignorance and callousness of its members. As the men in blue suits follow the Olympic torch around the world, trying to protect the flame from the thousands and thousands and thousands of people standing up in opposition to China's hosting, the Olympic Committee should feel nothing but shame for the decision they made.

Freedom loving people and countries need to recognize that cheap products today are not worth the risk of oppression tomorrow. China is the fast-growing threat in the world and the sooner the U.S. and free people around the world openly acknowledge this fact the more likely policy will be altered to respond accordingly.



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