Friday, March 21, 2008

The Richardson-Obama event in Oregon sent chills down my spine- chills of fear.

Richardson delivered a speech endorsing Obama in which what he didn't say spoke as loudly as what he did say. His speech was not about moving us forward, it was about blaming White America, and specifically conservative White America for all the problems our country faces.

His efforts to blame this subtly unidentified group were evidenced throughout his speech. One of the clearest examples occurred when he spoke of the increasing anger in America toward immigrants. He is actually making a blatant effort to mislead Hispanics into thinking that White America is anti-immigrant. NO- most Americans, of every race, are opposed to illegal immigration.

After a lengthy speech by Richardson, Obama began his cheerful rant against all that is conservative.

He evoked MLK by talking about "the fierce urgency of now" and explained his belief that we can be too late. (By the way, he has now used this quote and the same language in speeches going back months- so now isn't really "now" it's rhetorically sometime soon...) He asserts that if Americans don't come together behind him, all will be lost. America will lose its opportunity to rebuild. We need HIM to save us (what did Obama say about Morgan Freeman- He was God before Obama was...)

May the real God help us...

Obama is right- we can be too late. America is in trouble but not for the reasons Obama says.

Conservatives need to step up before it is too late- before people like Obama lead us down a divisive path that will pit American against American.

Obama is right about the negative influence special interests groups can have on the government. The special interest groups that fund the 527s, the special interest groups that seek to expand entitlement programs beyond helping those who can't help themselves to include those who choose not to help themselves.

Obama is influenced by the special interest groups that would demand he propose increases in federal spending by billions and billions and billions of dollars. (click here for Washington Times article) Obama's reckless spending proposals would cripple average Americans' ability to care for their families. These families would be of every race. He is an equal opportunity taxer...

Richardson has turned on the Clintons for political expediency- and a hope he has a shot at the VP slot. Obama is a snake oil salesman who would exploit a comment by his grandmother- a woman who sacrificed much to give him the best the world could offer- to make political points. Obama is a man who asks people not to focus on race and then speaks of the "typical white person" as though there is such a thing.

The "fierce urgency of now" rhetoric should not ignore the other messages in King's important speech:

"But there is something that I must say to my people who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice. In the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred."


"The marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the Negro community must not lead us to a distrust of all white people, for many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny. They have come to realize that their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom. We cannot walk alone."

Obama's struggle to address race will never end as long as he, and his supporters, make it an issue.

Freedom does not begin with race- it begins with the God given rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Liberty includes the right to economic freedom. If people do not have economic freedom, they are not free. They can not be free. Obama's policies will not free people- they will enslave people. The master will not be a plantation owner, it will be the government.

Richardson and Obama have now joined together in their quest to expand the government and continue to move the United States further from the ideals upon which this country was founded.

Democrats have another few weeks to stop the Obama movement. (By the way, since the voters of New Mexico voted for Clinton, has Obama just stolen a super delegate from Clinton? Shouldn't Richardson use his vote to reflect the will of the people who elected him?)

Americans have until November to figure out there is no truth behind Obama's emotional and divisive rhetoric and to realize that Obama is not the solution, he is the problem...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yawwwn - and your ranting is so boring. Stop bending over to your car exhaust pipe, sniffing at the fume and eat cheetos in bed.

I often wonder the reasons you post all these comments - is it because your dear ol husband run off with a cute secretary, or is it because you have been sniffing glue?

5:27 AM  

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