Thursday, April 03, 2008

Hillary might have said that she didn't think Obama could win the general election. While there are reports of the comment being made, she has denied it- sort of. Some seem to think making such a pronouncement demonstrates a lapse in judgement. (click here for CBS News commentary by Fernando Suarez)

Why would this statement be wrong? Why does such an analysis by one candidate about the other raise concerns?

It seems logical that when a person is running for the party nomination, that person should believe that his or her own chance to win the general election would be superior to the chances of the other candidates. If a person did not believe he or she was the most able to secure victory then that candidate should not be in the race.

Hillary Clinton seems to recognize that the American people are closely divided and the general election will be close. If this is true and she believes she is the better candidate then it would follow that she would fear that Obama would lose the national election.

Are those criticizing Clinton for her possible comments asking people to believe that Obama has not made such utterances about Clinton? Really...



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