Monday, January 07, 2008

By the way, the Charlie Gibson debate brought out some great infighting on the immigration issue.

Watching McCain try and argue that he was not for amnesty was absolutely ridiculous. No one could have read about the "Z" visas and not thought "amnesty" was in play. McCain is the one distorting his past positions on immigration and Romney is not wrong, ,or negative, to point this out.

Giuliani did a great job at acknowledging that illegal immigration is a very complicated issue and that each candidate's record is imperfect.

It should be of concern that the candidates seem quick to want to deport criminals. I would suggest that we should NOT deport violent criminals. We should enhance their sentences because they are illegally in this country. Deportation is not a solution for these people because they have every reason to reenter the U.S.- they did it before and they will do it again. Perhaps jail for criminals who are also illegal aliens is a price the United States will need to pay.

(By the way, would it be possible to outsource prisons for illegal aliens? Perhaps we could contract with countries like China and India to run prisons for illegal aliens convicted of committing violent crimes in the United States. We know illegal aliens have no right to be in the United States and we also know that it would be cheaper to run prisons overseas.)

One other note on McCain's rhetoric on this issue: it seemed desperate to throw out the hypothetical he wouldn't want to let a service person in Iraq learn that his mother got deported because she was in this country illegally.

Would McCain's position be that any illegal alien who can convince a family member to serve in the military should receive amnesty? I am fairly confident that our military is not dependent on the service of illegal aliens or their family members...



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