Monday, January 07, 2008

Michael Steele, chairperson of GOPAC, provided some accurate commentary after the debate tonight. Romney was a bit defensive about the taxation issue and whether a fee was the same as a tax. Romney should just concede that fees are taxes and then move on and describe the financial turnaround he led in Massachusetts.

Steele is wrong about Romney's need to win in Hew Hampshire. A strong 2nd keeps Romney in the game. He is right that Thompson is on the way out if he doesn't ratchet things up a little.

Steele also acknowledged that Republicans are struggling because those in office have often failed to follow through on the conservative ideals upon which many of them ran. Voters need to be convinced that Republican candidates will again become the voice of reason and the guardians of government accountability.

Let us hope that he is using whatever influence he may have to encourage those in office and / or running this year to stand up for those principles that have made the United States the greatest country in the world.

Let us also hope that the elected officials and the candidates are listening.



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