What a shocker- Bill Richardson endorses Obama.
Is there at least a slight chance Obama will look to Richardson as a VP choice to help bring the Hispanic vote to the Obama table?
The most disturbing thing about Richardson's comments on his endorsement of Obama related to Richardson's response to the Obama race speech. Richardson was touched by Obama's comments. Unbelievable...
Richardson also said Obama is a "once-in-a-lifetime leader that can bring our nation together and restore America's moral leadership in the world" in his endorsement. The rhetoric rings hollow when contrasted with reality.
I don't know who, besides Democrats, Obama is bringing together and even that doesn't seem to be going so well right now. The Democratic Party appears more divided over Obama/ Clinton than it has been in my adult lifetime, which is fine with me. I hope the infighting continues for months.
If Obama is THE once-in-a-lifetime leader are there no more great leaders in the making in the Democratic party? Is Richardson so concerned with the up and coming Democrats that he thinks if Obama falters the Party is lost?
Just how will Obama restore America's moral leadership? By criticizing White people? Or "typical" White people? By blaming the old America for all of the troubles in the world while promising to build a new America led by those who detest the old America? What is he talking about? Even he doesn't know.
The use of words is important and Richardson's endorsement proves the point. The efforts of people like Richardson to use words that sound great to promote candidates and policies that aren't should raise flags for all Americans. People need to look beyond the words to learn about the substance, and often the lack of substance, in the actions of these people.
Ironically, Bill Clinton led the Party down the wordsmithing path upon which Obama and Richardson seem to dance.
Words can create the smoke and mirrors that hide the truth or words can help to shine the light of truth on people and governments. It seems many Democratic leaders are increasingly using words to create smoke and mirrors.
All Americans must pay attention because the future of America really is at stake.
Is there at least a slight chance Obama will look to Richardson as a VP choice to help bring the Hispanic vote to the Obama table?
The most disturbing thing about Richardson's comments on his endorsement of Obama related to Richardson's response to the Obama race speech. Richardson was touched by Obama's comments. Unbelievable...
Richardson also said Obama is a "once-in-a-lifetime leader that can bring our nation together and restore America's moral leadership in the world" in his endorsement. The rhetoric rings hollow when contrasted with reality.
I don't know who, besides Democrats, Obama is bringing together and even that doesn't seem to be going so well right now. The Democratic Party appears more divided over Obama/ Clinton than it has been in my adult lifetime, which is fine with me. I hope the infighting continues for months.
If Obama is THE once-in-a-lifetime leader are there no more great leaders in the making in the Democratic party? Is Richardson so concerned with the up and coming Democrats that he thinks if Obama falters the Party is lost?
Just how will Obama restore America's moral leadership? By criticizing White people? Or "typical" White people? By blaming the old America for all of the troubles in the world while promising to build a new America led by those who detest the old America? What is he talking about? Even he doesn't know.
The use of words is important and Richardson's endorsement proves the point. The efforts of people like Richardson to use words that sound great to promote candidates and policies that aren't should raise flags for all Americans. People need to look beyond the words to learn about the substance, and often the lack of substance, in the actions of these people.
Ironically, Bill Clinton led the Party down the wordsmithing path upon which Obama and Richardson seem to dance.
Words can create the smoke and mirrors that hide the truth or words can help to shine the light of truth on people and governments. It seems many Democratic leaders are increasingly using words to create smoke and mirrors.
All Americans must pay attention because the future of America really is at stake.
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