Saturday, February 09, 2008

Obama's rise as a cultish figure is clearly threatening Hillary's assumed claim of the Democratic nomination for President.

I can't even imagine what the Senator and her husband are saying to each other every night as her dreams of the White House become increasingly likely to stay a dream.

Obama has the momentum. Obama is raising the money. Obama has found a way to convince Democrats that his lack of experience doing anything meaningful as an Illinois state senator or as a U.S. senator doesn't matter as long as they feel "hope" because of his candidacy.

So as Obama and Clinton move through the primary season this close race is leading to the increasing liklihood that the super delegates might decide the nominee. If the super delegates ignore the votes of the people and give the nomination to Hillary, there will be a revolution in the party. Al Gore will have to come in and mediate a solution to calm the people down.

There is no way the Obama fanatics will allow Hillary to take the nomination if she doesn't win a majority of the delegates voted on by the people.

If Obama continues on the present course she will try to find a way to save face because this really is embarassing.

If I were Obama, I would offer Hillary a way out- I would promise to nominate her to the Supreme Court to replace Ginsburg, who will resign shortly after an Obama election. Democrats wouldn't care that she has never been a judge (Rehnquist and Warren weren't judges first...) and would be sure that she would side with the left on every issue they care about. If Obama can be President, she can be a judge.

And then I would promise to appoint Bill Clinton the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. Then the UN Security Council can recommend his appointment as the Secretary-General of the UN to the General Assembly. Upon their approval, he would be the leader of the One World Government movement... (click here for info on appointment process)

Should we laugh or cry or scream? What a nightmare...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Author !
What words... super, a remarkable phrase

6:45 AM  

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