Thursday, January 31, 2008

I can't believe it- liberal Republicans are supporting McCain.

The MSM is now focusing on "major" endorsements by Giuliani and Schwarzenegger and is working to spin these endorsements as evidence that McCain has the support of conservatives.

No actual conservative would say that either Giuliani or Schwarzenegger represent the core of the Republican Party. Hopefully, conservatives planning on attending a Super Tuesday primary or caucus will be listening to the actual candidates and looking at actual records rather than relying on pundits and other politicians.

The Wednesday night debate on CNN should have demonstrated to voters the problems with McCain- After all of his years in the Senate he can cling to two lines:
  • He demonstrated leadership 35 years ago when he was in the military and when he was held as a prisoner of war.
  • He was a foot soldier in the Reagan Revolution.

That's pretty much it. Those are his claims to fame. Those two things alone make him more qualified to serve than either of the Democratic candidates however in the Republican field that is not enough to put him on top.

People should be thankful to McCain for his service to our country. That service does not qualify him to be President of the United States. His continual efforts to belittle those people who have not served are insulting to those people who have contributed to building a strong America in countless other ways.

In the debate last night McCain actually said that his service in Vietnam made him uniquely qualified and basically asserted that the other candidates were not qualified because they had not been in the military.

His logic, applied to other skills necessary to serve as the President of the United States, precludes him from the position because he has never run anything remotely resembling a business. He has not had the opportunity to supervise or run the equivalent of even the smallest branch of government. And as a Senator his work has not been to further a traditionally conservative platform.

Huckabee made one of the best points of the evening. Both he and Romney have run a state-which is like running the federal government on a smaller level. They know how the departments work together and how states and the federal government work and don't work together. Serving as a governor is perhaps the best training a candidate could have. The senate's claim to fame is its ability to obstruct legislation and limit the power of the executive branch. A senator does not have the opportunity to lead in the same way that a governor does.

McCain claims to have reached across the aisle to show his reasonableness. But his efforts did not serve to educate the left or bring those on the left towards conservative principles. His reaching across pulled him to the democratic positions. Amnesty remains a pathetic example of his positions that would hurt the United States.

When pressed as to whether he would support his own immigration bill if it were brought to a vote again he would NOT answer. His response: it won't be brought to the floor but the American people have spoken and border security must be addressed. He simply won't acknowledge the sad fact that he still believes he is right and the American people are wrong. His defensive and evasive response to the question should raise flags for conservatives.

And by the way, McCain's charge that others should be penalized for changing positions rings insincere because he too has changed his positions: He was against the tax cuts before he was for them and he was for amnesty before he was against it...

A good leader leads but also changes course when he is on the wrong path. For example, Romney has openly discussed reasons his prolife position has evolved. Conservatives should embrace candidates and voters who seek information and change their views in response to experience and maturity.

Most of us have political positions that have evolved over our lifetimes. Learning from life experience should be encouraged and McCain and his minions should stop criticizing those people who have come into the party because they have learned important lessons. These people often embrace the conservative principles upon which this country was founded in a purer manner than longtime conservatives who have drifted to the center for political expediency or to court the main stream media...



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