Thursday, November 29, 2007

One would hope that the Sudanese government would be focusing on serious matters like genocide in Darfur...

No, the real problem in the Sudan is a Teddy Bear named Muhammad by a group of elementary school students. (click here to read about teacher) (click here for AP story)How a teacher could allow such blasphemy! Are these people kidding? No. The poor teacher who allowed the naming of the bear, a 54 year old British woman, languishes in jail, awaiting her fate. Her possible punishment includes up to 40 lashes, up to 6 months in prison and a fine. Her charge: Inciting Religious hatred.

The Muslim extremists demanding she be punished have done more to incite disgust about Islam than anything this teacher could have done with her innocent teddy bear.

Good Muslim people around the world should take a stand and denounce the jailing of this woman, who clearly did not intend to offend anyone. When any religion takes such extreme action, followers should not be shocked at the response of non-believers. If this isn't an incredible example of the need for a separation between church and state...

Some interesting notes: The school involved is a private, English language school founded by Christians. 90% of the school's students are Muslim.

Perhaps Christian groups should reevaluate their support of private schools that would accept their money but then teach students that those groups represent Satan. This situation should be a wake-up call to Christians around the world. Islam does not support efforts to educate Muslim students about Christianity or Western culture in general unless the lessons are anti-Christian or anti- western lifestyles.

The secular multiculturalism embraced by the left promotes tolerance and acceptance of Islam. Where is the tolerance in Islam. Surely this woman has not experienced it.

Her case has now gone before a court in Sudan. Here's hoping reason prevails...



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