Thursday, November 08, 2007

At some point will American consumers begin to question why so many toys are still being made in China? As if the lead in the toys hasn't been bad enough, now our kids' toys might be coated with a chemical that breaks down into the date rape drug! (Click here for article.)

How is it possible that a toy destined for young children ends up containing a chemical that permanently harms or kills children who ingest it? Kids mouth toys and kids often chew on their toys. Do Chinese children behave differently than American kids? My kids loved the Aqua Dots but they will not have them again. Thankfully, my toddler didn't ingest the small beads...

Are we to believe these seemingly continuous incidents of toxins in toys are accidental? At what point does this negligence become criminal?

Enough is enough already. The United States government must do all it can to hold manufacturers accountable for the quality or lack of quality, of the toys they create.



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