Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The youth in regions of France are rioting again... (click here for Fox report) To date, more than 100 police officers have been injured by these young people. Buildings have been destroyed and cars burned. People who attempt to justify this behavior with any sort of excuse or condone this sort of behavior can not be trusted to offer guidance that will lead to actual solutions.

Is it their youth that has led to the rioting? Is there something more happening in France? Could religion again be playing a role in the violent, destructive acts of these "youth" across these "poor" neighborhoods? It seems there is at least a possibility that the real issue relates to religious tension. Many of these youth are in fact Muslim youth who are acting out against non-Muslim authority. There are reports that at least some of the youth are encouraged by elders in their community.

The article linked to above includes the statement: "Youths, many of them Arab and black children of immigrants, again appeared to be lashing out at police and other targets seen to represent a French establishment they feel has left them behind."

Comment/ Question: Has the French establishment left them behind or have they refused to become a part of a culture that has existed for centuries prior to their immigration to the country? Maybe these youth need to accept the culture into which they have moved and make an effort to join in.

When immigrants believe they do not have to assimilate into the culture of the country they have chosen to join and also believe that the majority culture should instead accommodate them, there will inevitably be conflict. The United States faces a similar problem with many immigrants, particularly those from Central and South America. A government can not force immigrants to integrate into local communities but it can create policies that steer people towards appropriate behavior.

The French government is behind the curve again. (Click here for article.) NOW WHAT ARE THE FRENCH TO DO?

In addition to developing public policy that encourages immigrants to begin to take an active role in building their community, candor will be required. If France is ever to solve the problems of rioting in these neighborhoods the government will have to begin to aggressively prosecute all youth involved in the riots. The rioters have helped create their own plight. The French will also need to expressly identify the role of fundamentalist Islamic ideology in the breakdown of these communities.

The people in these neighborhoods must accept their responsibility for their circumstances. Members of the communities must condemn the violence and demand the restoration of order. People must turn in the members of their community who engaged in activity that harmed individuals or property. Those who have burned the libraries would have been far better off reading books.

When Sarkozy meets with ministers from the areas awash in violence (click here for Reuters story) he should stick to his positions expressed during the campaign- these youth are thugs.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

although my heart goes out to the innocent people who have been effected by tese rioters i belive this will grow to uncotrolable levels and when france can not handel this eny more and turns to the U.N. for help the U.S goverment should stand up and tell them to go to hell thay were unwilling to help us we should not help them you get what you give in this world

1:39 PM  

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