Monday, June 11, 2007

George Bush is not listening. When he says, "There are people in my (Republican) party that don't want a comprehensive bill" he couldn't be more wrong about most of us. I WANT a comprehensive bill. Actually, I want several smaller bills that actually do reform the immigration system.

If Bush thinks the plan before the Senate is comprehensive he has not read it.

Why doesn't George Bush want to offer real solutions to reform the immigration system. Why can't he admit that there are millions of illegal aliens who are taking from, not giving to, our country.

Bush's failure to be honest with the people of the United States about the many issues created by illegal aliens has caused conservatives to turn away from him. He is not leading. He seems to be following the old addage that if everyone is against you, you must be doing something right.

He misreads this situation: Everyone is against him because he is wrong.



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