Thursday, June 07, 2007

Paris Hilton is a disgrace. On the one hand, I don't really care if she is distraught. On the other hand, her mental state demonstrates how pathetic her life is, in spite of her wealth and opportunity. It is pretty obvious that Paris has no one in her life that actually cares about her- her friends are hangers on and her family does not respect her enough to hold her accountable. Her problem is she has no relationships deeper than money.

She committed a crime and was sentenced appropriately. Since she can't handle jail, the judge should reconsider how to best punish Paris while also meeting her mental health needs.

So today has verged on hilarity: she cried a lot in jail, had a shrink visit her and then was fortunate that people took pity on her and sent her home to sip cocktails, swim in her pool and play with her little puppy. Basically she is now grounded. This will teach her nothing. This will not help her.

There are millions of people in this country that have real problems, real struggles.

Lucky for all of us, the city attorney has demanded that the sheriff show why he should not be held in contempt for violating the court order that Hilton not be put on electronic monitoring. (click here) Maybe he and Paris can go to jail together.

The judge has ordered her back to court and may very well send her back to jail. (click here)

If he orders her back to jail, she should go to real jail: not the nice jail but the jail that others who do what she did go to. Or maybe a better option- forget jail and give her community service. Give Paris the opportunity to spend 2000 hours of her precious time in a children's hospital working with kids who have terminal illness or chronic disabilities. Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm. If she is late she gets another day.

Teach her a real lesson- she has the ability to make a positive difference in the world and she is wasting it in bars and at parties.

It is time to grow up Paris! Stop whining and do something with your life!

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