Saturday, June 02, 2007

Peggy Noonan has been and continues to be the calm voice of reason for the conservative movement. Her thoughtful and harmonic words helped Ronald Reagan usher in a wave of support for conservative principles.

She has been a loyal conservative: ideology must come before party. She now eloquently states what many of us know in our heavy hearts- the conservative movement has been abandoned by many of the elected officials of the party best able to carry the true torch of freedom.

The conservative movement has behaved like a puppy lapping at the face of a disinterested owner. In this case the owner seems to believe kicking trains as well as treats. It is time the dog begins to bite...

Noonan's Opinion Journal piece posted June 1 has hit the nail solidly into the 2x4.

The White House, Ken Mehlman and some elected Republicans have sent a clear message to anti-illegal alien conservatives: We are a misguided bunch who are too dumb to understand that the immigration bill will solve every problem facing this country today.

Mehlman/Jeb Bush wrote in their WSJ piece:

"We support the immigration reform compromise worked out in the Senate for a few simple reasons. It strengthens our national defense. It makes our economy more competitive and flexible. It enhances the rule of law and promotes national unity. And it also does these things in a fair, practical way."

It is obvious they either haven't read the bill (because if they had, they wouldn't be saying these things to us) or they are victims of body-snatching. This bill has no teeth and will lead to increased illegal immigration.

As Noonan points out, Bush has now slapped conservatives in the face with his comments that we who oppose him "don't want to do what's right for America."

Could we be playing a Clintonian game with words? Is the term "America" completely interchangeable with the phrase "The United States of America" in today's debate about illegal immigration?

Many Hispanic people believe that the United States stole their land and that the land that makes up the U.S. actually belongs to the Hispanic people. Is the United States a sovereign nation or should the United States begin the process of building the United Countries of the Americas before those of us who aren't Hispanic are determined to be the illegals?

Noonan included a comment by a former Bush speechwriter saying anti-illegal conservatives suffer from "national chauvinism" meaning he must believe we conservatives are "blind patriots" as defined by Merriam-Webster. I would rather be a blind patriot than a cowardly traitor- as defined by MW as a person who betrays a person's trust or is false to an obligation or a duty. The executive branch's failure to enforce the laws of our country represent both a betrayal of trust and a failure to perform one of the few duties actually detailed in the Constitution.

Those elected officials who would support this bill in the hopes that someday the illegals will vote Republican should remember the adage "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" (or in this case the desert) before taking a very dangerous gamble with the future of our country.

A final point about an issue raised by the Noonan piece: Bush has based much of his time in office operating under the premise that "the survival of American liberty is dependent on the liberty of every other nation."

We must all clearly understand that their is truth in the juxtaposition of these ideas, but Bush or his speechwriter mixed it up.

The truth can be easily articulated: The liberty of every other nation is dependant upon the survival of American liberty.

If that doesn't make sense, Mr. President think about it in a slightly different way: The survival of American liberty is required for the liberty of every other nation.

Call me a national chauvinist but I believe the United States of America is the best hope for the people of the world. A strong United States will be that shining city on the hill, as professed by John Winthrop in 1630 as he recalled the words from the Sermon on the Mount.

The United States offers hope and serves as an example to people all around the world. To further the principles embodied in the U.S. Constitution, we must encourage those who would abandon their own countries to stay and fight to spread the principles to their own people. We should encourage them to work to improve conditions in their countries. The entire world can not escape to the U.S. We must protect the United States of America by protecting her borders.

Ms. Noonan is correct: Conservatives must let go of those Republicans who have walked away from our core values in order to save our country from their folly.



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