Thursday, June 14, 2007

Start the calling again- the president and the Senate just don't seem to get it. They are going to try to push this not very funny joke past the citizens of the United States come h*ll or high water. Click here to find your Senator's contact information.

Rasmussen Reports has released new information on the bill: Only 23% of voters support the bill. (click here for report)

Over 80% of Republicans, 55% of democrats and 69% of independent or non-affiliated voters support enforcement only- no amnesty.

As has been noted all over the Internet- the war is more popular than this bill.

The Bill has a lower approval rating than Bush.

The Report discusses real immigration reform supported by citizens of the United States:

A great example, supported by 57% of US citizens: Give illegals 3 years to leave.and require them to get in line behind all of the law followers in their home country. (I would add that those who are caught in this country after the three years expire would be permanently banned from receiving a Visa to enter the country again.)

This is probably one of the most important issues to face our country in its history. The interests and intentions of immigrants have changed in the past generation. We can not accept the Linda Chavez view that in two or three generations the illegals will have totally assimilated into American culture.

The United States can not risk its future hoping that illegals respect our country and its laws when their behavior already demonstrates that this view is off the mark.

Finally, we can not allow political correctness to turn this into a discussion in which conservatives have to defend themselves against charges of racism. The vast majority of illegal aliens are Hispanic. That is a fact.

Every government agency and law enforcement entity should be able to ask about the immigration status of any person they think may be an illegal alien. There are massive numbers- millions and millions and millions of illegal aliens from Mexico, Central and South American countries. While there may be some Scandinavians who have snuck in to the U.S., they really don't seem to be the problem, today.

To use the threat of racism against law enforcement as they try to catch illegals is ridiculous. Hispanic Americans or any other American who argues that there needs to be some sort of irrational policy that proportionally targets all races is foolish.

This is the same illogical reasoning that led to searches of 80 year old grandmothers because they might be hiding box cutters in their support hose...

Enough is enough already. If Bush wants comprehensive immigration reform, he should work with conservatives to actually draft it. This Bill is a joke. Kill it once and for all so we can all move on to actually solving the problems related to illegal immigration. That is something 80% of Americans will get behind.


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Look out Barak- Spielberg and uneducated women are teaming up in support of HRod.

Steven Spielberg has just announced that he thinks Hillary can bring America back together. (Click here for announcement) I don't know what information he is reading, but polls have been pretty clear- she is one of the most polarizing political figures in the country.

Spielberg may want to vote for her because he likes her politics (although dare I say it: it's easy for him to be for things that will never have any influence on his personal life- his amassed wealth ensures his freedom from the consequences of her policies: he will always have money, the best doctors, a big fence around his property to keep the riff raff out...) but he is unbelievably ignorant if her thinks she can pull the country together. Polls repeatedly indicate that between 1/3 and 1/2 of the country would never vote for her, don't like her, thinks she is dishonest...

On a more positive note, depending on your perspective, HRod is most popular with uneducated women (click here for article with poll results) meaning that if we can educate these women, they should see the light...


Female infanticide seems to be on the rise, globally. (click here for story)

Infanticide in China is in the news again. But linked to the issue in China is the truth that in many countries around the world, gender bias results in the death of females at unprecedented rates. There are growing issues in Western Asian countries, regions of Africa, Venezuela and El Salvador and at least three countries in Europe. Regions in the U.S. and Canada are also seeing pockets of gender imbalance, primarily in Asian communities.

There are reports that as many as 60 million girls are missing in Asia.

Let me say that again: There are 60 million girls missing in Asia.

In India, the problem is growing: Estimates are that anywhere between 150,000 and 500,000 girls go missing every year.

China's one child policy has resulted in mass murdering of female infants. Additionally, women are increasingly seeking gender determination using prenatal testing and aborting females.

Regions of China are beginning to report sex ratios that demonstrate the loss of girls. Normally there are approximately 103 boys for every 100 girls. China now averages 117 boys for every 100 girls.

In India the trends are becoming clear as well. While some areas of the country are reporting traditional ratios, there are now regions of India now reporting sex ratios of 120- 125 boys for every 100 girls.

According to the article referenced above, these ratios seem to be the result of both cultural preference for males and government programs to limit family size. In some areas of India, communities that don't adhere to a two-children limitation have been been denied access to things like fertilizer and irrigation water.

Like the genocide against Christians in the Sudan, this slaughter of females must be addressed by civilized people around the globe.

For more information, the following links might be helpful:
Article in Christian Science Monitor
Gendercide Watch
Article in Indian Catholic
United Nations Population Fund Information


Monday, June 11, 2007

George Bush is not listening. When he says, "There are people in my (Republican) party that don't want a comprehensive bill" he couldn't be more wrong about most of us. I WANT a comprehensive bill. Actually, I want several smaller bills that actually do reform the immigration system.

If Bush thinks the plan before the Senate is comprehensive he has not read it.

Why doesn't George Bush want to offer real solutions to reform the immigration system. Why can't he admit that there are millions of illegal aliens who are taking from, not giving to, our country.

Bush's failure to be honest with the people of the United States about the many issues created by illegal aliens has caused conservatives to turn away from him. He is not leading. He seems to be following the old addage that if everyone is against you, you must be doing something right.

He misreads this situation: Everyone is against him because he is wrong.


Thursday, June 07, 2007

Paris Hilton is a disgrace. On the one hand, I don't really care if she is distraught. On the other hand, her mental state demonstrates how pathetic her life is, in spite of her wealth and opportunity. It is pretty obvious that Paris has no one in her life that actually cares about her- her friends are hangers on and her family does not respect her enough to hold her accountable. Her problem is she has no relationships deeper than money.

She committed a crime and was sentenced appropriately. Since she can't handle jail, the judge should reconsider how to best punish Paris while also meeting her mental health needs.

So today has verged on hilarity: she cried a lot in jail, had a shrink visit her and then was fortunate that people took pity on her and sent her home to sip cocktails, swim in her pool and play with her little puppy. Basically she is now grounded. This will teach her nothing. This will not help her.

There are millions of people in this country that have real problems, real struggles.

Lucky for all of us, the city attorney has demanded that the sheriff show why he should not be held in contempt for violating the court order that Hilton not be put on electronic monitoring. (click here) Maybe he and Paris can go to jail together.

The judge has ordered her back to court and may very well send her back to jail. (click here)

If he orders her back to jail, she should go to real jail: not the nice jail but the jail that others who do what she did go to. Or maybe a better option- forget jail and give her community service. Give Paris the opportunity to spend 2000 hours of her precious time in a children's hospital working with kids who have terminal illness or chronic disabilities. Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm. If she is late she gets another day.

Teach her a real lesson- she has the ability to make a positive difference in the world and she is wasting it in bars and at parties.

It is time to grow up Paris! Stop whining and do something with your life!

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Perhaps my disdain for the Senate was partially misplaced! The conservatives have been redeemed by standing firm and defeating the immigration bill. (click here for NY Times article)

Wiser heads prevailed and the disastrous bill has died, or at least is now in a coma. The Democrats, Bush and McCain are probably already meeting to decide how to try to shove another bill down the throats of the citizens of the United States. Enough already!

Lets hope George Bush has gotten the message:

Build the fence- it has already been approved.

Enforce the laws already in place.

Grant entry to those people who follow the law and wait their turn.

Tell the leaders of foreign countries that we expect them to work with us on our endeavor to seal our borders.


Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Scooter Libby might go to jail- he has been given a 30 month sentence for obstructing justice and committing perjury - about an issue that was found to be a non-issue by the prosecutor, who seemed to decide he was going to question people until he could create a crime he could prosecute. Libby was the easiest target for the prosecutor. Someone had to go down.

Bill Clinton perjured himself and obstructed justice to prevent a woman who he had sexually harassed from pursuing her suit against him. No jail time.

Sandy Berger stole documents from the National Archives, probably to obstruct the investigation into the events leading up to September 11th. No jail time.

Millions of people have broken our laws entering this country illegally. A significant portion of those illegal aliens have broken additional laws by stealing identities, ignoring our tax laws... What will be the consequence for them? Amnesty.

Paris Hilton drinks and drives and then violates her probation- blaming everyone but herself for her behavior. Punishment: 23 days.

Scooter Libby has been railroaded.

Here's hoping he stays out of jail throughout the appeal process and that this process leads to justice for him. If the appeals process fails, which it very likely will, then Bush needs to pardon this poor man.


Monday, June 04, 2007

Let's hope the Washington Post Article is wrong on the status of the Illegal Alien bill (click here to read):

"After a week at home with their constituents, the Senate architects of a delicate immigration compromise are increasingly convinced that they will hold together this week to pass an overhaul of the nation's immigration laws, with momentum building behind one unifying theme: Today's immigration system is too broken to go unaddressed."

It seems that members of Congress think the opposition hasn't been as vocal as one would think and that there is a new found optimism the bill will get pushed through.

Call your Congressional delegation today!

Click here for House contact information

Click here for Senate contact information


In the Democratic debate, John Edwards actually said America should lead an effort to provide primary school education to millions and millions of children around the world.

Is he kidding?

We can't even manage to educate many of the American children (or the children of illegal aliens who are contributing to the diminishing quality of education in the public schools) who spend their time in classrooms around the country, waiting for their teachers to solve the behavioral problems and respond to the language barriers that impede academic progress every day.

And who does he think will develop the multicultural curriculum that will surely be required? I am guessing that it won't be anything resembling Bill Bennett's K12 model...


Iran continues to be one of the greatest threats in the world. The possibility that Iran seeks nuclear capability solely for use as a clean fuel becomes more remote every time Ahmadinejad opens his mouth.

Ahmadinejad said, on Sunday, that "With God's help, the countdown button for the destruction of the Zionist regime has been pushed by the hands of the children of Lebanon and Palestine...By God's will, we will witness the destruction of this regime in the near future."(Click here for Reuters article)

In tonight's democratic debate, Clinton was right that Iran can not be allowed to achieve nuclear capability. She says she will use diplomacy to work with the Iranian leader to solve the problem. If she thinks that he cares, at all, about what she or any other westerner thinks- she is delusional.

Well, maybe I am wrong about Iran: Biden doesn't think this will be a problem for another 10 years, so I don't know why I am worried about this, anyway...

Lord, help us...


Sunday, June 03, 2007

Ahmadinejad apparently wants us to believe his nuclear intentions are misunderstood. He only wants to develop a clean power source to supply Iran's growing population. (Click here for more info)

Here's the problem: He has also been clear about his interest in wiping Israel off the face of the earth. Simple rocket propelled grenades couldn't possibly achieve that goal. Small bombs couldn't achieve the goal. What kind of weapon does he need to satisfy the wishes of the mullahs? (That's a rhetorical question. Anyone who actually uses reason to analyze Ahmadinejad's comments knows the truth.)

This fundamentalist has a clear agenda and he smiles himself to sleep at night thinking about the idiocy of those who believe that Iran is actually engaged in legitimate talks with EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana.

Sure, the talks are polite. They are designed to waste time as Iran continues to develop its arms program.

Pay attention...


EHarmony got its start as a matchmaking service for Christian singles hoping to meet a potential spouse. EHarmony was never intended to be a casual dating service- it was intended to link people together in the hopes that marriage would result.

Linda Carlson, a lesbian, has filed suit because EHarmony doesn't serve gay people and therefore is discriminating against her based on her sexual orientation. (Click here to read article) In February, she attempted to get hooked up with another woman through the service and was denied.

Does anyone think Ms. Carlson actually wants EHarmony to hook her up with another woman or is it more likely that she is using this lawsuit to promote an agenda linked to homosexual rights?

EHarmony is not perfect- many people don't find a match or their match doesn't work out. But many people do find a partner and many do get married. The matchmaking process has been developed in response to years of study into personality patterns in marital situations.

EHarmony has never studied gay couples and the organization doesn't feel comfortable trying to match homosexuals because the relationships may be different.

Why doesn't Ms. Carlson start her own dating service for lesbians? If there is a market out there, she could strike it big! If there isn't a market out there- don't blame EHarmony.


Saturday, June 02, 2007

It was difficult not to enjoy the irony of the Clinton spelling embarrassment coming on the heels of the Scripps Spelling Bee this past week.
It's a little shocking HRod didn't notice the mistake and have the banner removed. She is, we are told, absolutely brilliant.
Apparently, her plan for education reform ought to include increased funding for reading and writing programs. Perhaps we should be sure people know how to use the spellchecker before they leave high school, as well.


Peggy Noonan has been and continues to be the calm voice of reason for the conservative movement. Her thoughtful and harmonic words helped Ronald Reagan usher in a wave of support for conservative principles.

She has been a loyal conservative: ideology must come before party. She now eloquently states what many of us know in our heavy hearts- the conservative movement has been abandoned by many of the elected officials of the party best able to carry the true torch of freedom.

The conservative movement has behaved like a puppy lapping at the face of a disinterested owner. In this case the owner seems to believe kicking trains as well as treats. It is time the dog begins to bite...

Noonan's Opinion Journal piece posted June 1 has hit the nail solidly into the 2x4.

The White House, Ken Mehlman and some elected Republicans have sent a clear message to anti-illegal alien conservatives: We are a misguided bunch who are too dumb to understand that the immigration bill will solve every problem facing this country today.

Mehlman/Jeb Bush wrote in their WSJ piece:

"We support the immigration reform compromise worked out in the Senate for a few simple reasons. It strengthens our national defense. It makes our economy more competitive and flexible. It enhances the rule of law and promotes national unity. And it also does these things in a fair, practical way."

It is obvious they either haven't read the bill (because if they had, they wouldn't be saying these things to us) or they are victims of body-snatching. This bill has no teeth and will lead to increased illegal immigration.

As Noonan points out, Bush has now slapped conservatives in the face with his comments that we who oppose him "don't want to do what's right for America."

Could we be playing a Clintonian game with words? Is the term "America" completely interchangeable with the phrase "The United States of America" in today's debate about illegal immigration?

Many Hispanic people believe that the United States stole their land and that the land that makes up the U.S. actually belongs to the Hispanic people. Is the United States a sovereign nation or should the United States begin the process of building the United Countries of the Americas before those of us who aren't Hispanic are determined to be the illegals?

Noonan included a comment by a former Bush speechwriter saying anti-illegal conservatives suffer from "national chauvinism" meaning he must believe we conservatives are "blind patriots" as defined by Merriam-Webster. I would rather be a blind patriot than a cowardly traitor- as defined by MW as a person who betrays a person's trust or is false to an obligation or a duty. The executive branch's failure to enforce the laws of our country represent both a betrayal of trust and a failure to perform one of the few duties actually detailed in the Constitution.

Those elected officials who would support this bill in the hopes that someday the illegals will vote Republican should remember the adage "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" (or in this case the desert) before taking a very dangerous gamble with the future of our country.

A final point about an issue raised by the Noonan piece: Bush has based much of his time in office operating under the premise that "the survival of American liberty is dependent on the liberty of every other nation."

We must all clearly understand that their is truth in the juxtaposition of these ideas, but Bush or his speechwriter mixed it up.

The truth can be easily articulated: The liberty of every other nation is dependant upon the survival of American liberty.

If that doesn't make sense, Mr. President think about it in a slightly different way: The survival of American liberty is required for the liberty of every other nation.

Call me a national chauvinist but I believe the United States of America is the best hope for the people of the world. A strong United States will be that shining city on the hill, as professed by John Winthrop in 1630 as he recalled the words from the Sermon on the Mount.

The United States offers hope and serves as an example to people all around the world. To further the principles embodied in the U.S. Constitution, we must encourage those who would abandon their own countries to stay and fight to spread the principles to their own people. We should encourage them to work to improve conditions in their countries. The entire world can not escape to the U.S. We must protect the United States of America by protecting her borders.

Ms. Noonan is correct: Conservatives must let go of those Republicans who have walked away from our core values in order to save our country from their folly.


Friday, June 01, 2007

Linda Chavez needs to put down her talking points and actually listen to people who are opposed to illegal immigration. Her column (click here to read) on Townhall last week is an appalling example of the Friends of Bush protecting the President to the point that one begins to wonder who needs friends...

Chavez alleged that anti-illegal immigrant conservatives are all racist. She is right that many Hispanic people do well in America. But she is wrong that they all do- and that isn't the point anyway. Being opposed to offering amnesty to illegal aliens may just be a manifestation of many conservatives' belief in the importance of the rule of law.

People who are here illegally made a choice- the choice to take a risk that if discovered in this country they would be deported.

People who came here illegally and married an American or who had children in this country took a risk that they could someday face separation from family members.

People who came here illegally and bought property took a risk that they could someday lose that property.

I don't feel sorry for the criminals who go to jail, leaving children behind. They have been separated from their families. I don't hear liberals calling for amnesty for people in prison who have small children. (I guess the National Black Panther Party does list this as one of their demands.) Criminals made a choice. Illegal aliens made a choice. They can all take responsibility for those choices. They should blame themselves for the consequences.

The arguments made by Chavez are disingenuous. She has to know better and is pandering to a puppeteer we may never identify. Why she would do this I don't know. Chavez called in to Laura Ingraham's show on Friday and dug the hole deeper- she was defensive and came off as less informed than I had hoped.

Her performance started with her criticizing conservatives for being racist but then admitted that Hispanic people are actually more racist than white people. Chavez actually said that Caucasian people tend to be less racist than all people of color.

Chavez tried to argue that because the greatest number of illegals crossed the border in the late 1990s and we did nothing to stop them then now means we are saddled with them forever. I wonder if it has ever occurred to her that people did not realize the extent of illegal immigration while it was occurring in the 1990s?

After September 11th, Americans were forced to begin acknowledging the implications of an unprotected border. As more and more illegal aliens invade our country, the consequences grow.

Americans are an incredibly tolerant people. Americans looked the other way for years in the hopes that all would work out. Now that upwards of 20 million people have ignored our laws and entered the country illegally, we have to begin to question when will it end?

Now that schools across the country are saddled with second and third generation children who have not assimilated into American culture...

Now that hospitals are losing billions and billions of dollars providing free medical care to illegal aliens while a growing number 0f Americans are actually considering the need for government run health care...

Now that the social service systems across the country are spending billions of dollars providing services to illegal aliens while American children are being left in abusive homes because the local governments lack the funds to help them...

Now that our government has decided to spend untold millions of dollars translating documents into foreign languages to cater to those who refuse to learn English...

Now that there are thousands and thousands of illegal aliens in our jails across the country, committing crimes against Americans, forever harming American families...

Do I need to go on?

This Immigration Bill is not comprehensive. If George Bush actually believes the ignorant rhetoric he is spewing, I am at a loss. His position can not be defended. He may be a nice man, but on this issue he is so wrong, so off base, so naive... If he thinks this bill is the answer then the honest truth is he doesn't think there is an answer.

While he may question the patriotism of conservatives like me, I know to the very core of my being that the greatest country in the history of man stands at a crossroads- one path will lead us further down the road to globalization and the idea that no country is sovereign. The failure to protect our border and control immigration leads to the diminishment of what it means to be an American.

The second path, the only path that protects the future of the United States of America, requires our Congress to stand up to this President and remind him of his oath. The United States must protect and defend its sovereignty, which means defending the border and punishing those who refuse to respect it.

President Bush should be far less concerned with the feelings of a bunch of illegal aliens or the demands of a group of business people whose wealth shelters them from the consequences of the migration of illegal aliens.

The President of the Unites States has a duty to listen to the growing number of American citizens whose message is loud and clear: Protect the border and enforce the countless laws already on the books.

May God bless America and protect us from threats from around the world and from within.


The book, No Excuses, by Robert Shrum details an account by John Kerry about an interaction he had with John Edwards that, if true, is so creepy and so indicative of problematic personality disorder behavior that it is unbelievable Edwards is a serious contender for President. (click here to read excerpt)

In the excerpt, a conversation is retold in which Edwards allegedly "confided" in Kerry about his promise to his recently deceased son that he (the father) would "do all he could to make life better for people, to live up to Wade's ideals of service." Edwards made this promise to his son as he laid on the slab at the funeral home, supposedly hugging his son's body.

The issue with the Edwards' story was that Edwards had apparently "confided" the same story one to two years earlier and didn't remember that he had played that card before.

If this story is true, one would think it was an incredibly personal story that a normal person would keep to himself- a private moment of despair that one might use to draw strength from in the future.

Edwards' possibly tells this story "in confidence" to people so as to make them think they have a special bond with him personally. To how many people has he told this story? He probably has no idea. Perhaps his confidants can form a club...

If true, this story is but another example of Edwards' drive to become President really controls his entire life. Much like running for President when his wife has stage IV cancer...

We should all be watching this guy closely. As a lawyer, myself, I fear that he is the embodiment of many of the stereotypical personality traits often joked about when people discuss lawyers.

A note to Edwards: Spend some time thinking about to whom you have shared this story and then STOP telling it to anyone else. Cherish your memories with your son and stop using him to promote your personal ambitions. If the story is not true- come out with the truth and put John Kerry and Shrum in their places.

I'll be waiting to read your denial...
