Thursday, January 24, 2008

Romney showed his strength in the MSNBC debate, in spite of the efforts of the questioners to bring him down.

Romney's zinger about Bill Clinton was priceless- Like Romney, I can not imagine the American people purposely putting a bored Bill Clinton back in the White House... He clearly pointed out that there are tremendous differences between the Democrats and Republicans: There is a choice and if that choice is between Billary and Romney, Romney is right to be confident.

When questioned about his personal financial contributions to the campaign he might have reminded voters more clearly that the current campaign finance law has created a debacle: McCain is largely responsible for the dramatic increase in spending by special interests while minimizing the ability of average people to contribute.

2004 saw a dramatic increase in spending on campaigns. (Click here for summary of 2004 spending) 2008 will leave it in the dust. (Click here for data from Open Secrets on 2008 Spending)

We should all be grateful that a person with the character and conviction of Romney is willing and able to contribute his own wealth to defeat the Democratic candidate for President.



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