Monday, May 14, 2007

Tommy Thompson's explanation about his performance in the May 3 debate is pathetic.

Thompson apologized for his comment that private employers should be able to make decisions to terminate employees based on their sexual preference.

His explanation: he had been sick and needed to use the bathroom and just for good measure his hearing aid battery had died so he hadn't heard the question.

That's interesting- because he answered the question in a logical manner. There was nothing wrong with his answer, other than it may have been incomplete. The government's continual and ever-expanding reach into the private business sector is wrong. People do not have a Constitutional right to have a specific job.

If a business owner believes that an employee's conduct will interfere with the success of the business, that business owner should be able to terminate an employee. Likewise, a business owner should be able to allow smoking in his or her business establishment. Despite the growing number of bans around the country, these smoking bans to protect employees are ridiculous. People can quit their jobs. Consumers can choose to go to a non-smoking restaurant or bar. The market will work if the government allows it to respond to business decisions.

As the parent of two Deaf children, his hearing aid excuse is pathetic. A quick "Can you repeat the question?" wouldn't have added more than 10-15 seconds to the exchange. Hard of Hearing people need to take responsibility for their interactions. If they miss information, they must ask for clarification.

How does Thompson expect the American people to consider him a viable Presidential candidate when he cannot manage his hearing aid batteries? And if he was so ill, he should have stated that up front and considered withdrawing from the debate. The American people don't really want to know about his toileting problems during the debate.



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