Monday, May 07, 2007

In a shocking string of events, liberals across France have rioted to protest Sarkozy's victory in the Presidential election. Actually, it's not so shocking. To read about the protests (click here) and (here) and (here)

Who are these rioters?

They are often referred to as either Arab and /or African immigrants, which is code for Islamic Fundamentalists.

What do they do to protest?

They burn cars (over 300 since the election) break shop windows, set garbage cans on fire, throw rocks... These people are just the kind of immigrants every country wants to welcome.

Why are they angry?

Sarkozy has pledged to establish rules like the unemployed must accept jobs they are offered, repeat offenders will face mandatory minimum sentences for their crimes, workers will actually need to start putting in a full work week and immigrants will no longer be able to bring their relatives to France as easily. (This policy change is the result of the perception that the French culture is being negatively impacted by "Arab and African immigrants" which again is code...

Wow! How dare he suggest such things!

Perhaps the most upsetting issue for the left: Sarkozy has pledged to work to rebuild the relationship between France and the U.S.

Lets all hope Sarkozy pursues and achieves his goals to move France in a better direction.



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