This Immigration Bill is an absolute disaster and any person who even remotely understands the negatives related to illegal aliens has to call their congressional delegation immediately!
To read the Bill and the changes to it go to
Truth Laid Bear
Talk about tedious- no wonder no one in the congress has read it…
At one of my former jobs we had to initial every page of reports or memos to show we had read them. Maybe this would be the way to go with the congressman. I don’t care if their aides have read the bill- I want them to each state, maybe with a notary confirmation, that have in fact read the entire bill. If they haven’t read it, they should abstain from voting. This issue is one of the most important, and dangerous, bills considered by our Congress.
If congressmen and women had to read the things they vote on, nothing would ever pass. Would we be better off?
Some comments on illegal aliens and the Bill:
Congress should pass several smaller bills on immigration reform so that the necessary provisions get passed as soon as possible while the questionable amnesty provisions get the attention necessary to protect the sovereignty and the stability of our country.
Why is this discussion “all or nothing”? Proponents of the Bill seem to suggest we must either deport everyone or give all of the illegal aliens a path to residency and possibly citizenship? It is ridiculous- the CITIZENS of the U.S. deserve better from their representatives.
Also, maybe we should consider keeping track of the costs of caring for, housing and deporting the illegal aliens on a country by country basis and then bill back these expenses. For example, we gave Mexico over $30 million in foreign aid in 2005. ( Let’s deduct the costs of providing education, health care and social services to illegal aliens in America and then send them a bill for the surplus expenses. We should also bill back the costs to our criminal justice systems. These countries wouldn’t pay but making the information public would impact the public debate on this issue.
The language “Subject to the availability of appropriations for such purpose” creates a tremendous loophole. Basically Congress and the President pretend to solve some of the immigration problems but then will fail to fund provisions they passed.
In numerous provisions the bill authorizes the Secretary of Homeland Security to implement a variety of measures. The bill does not require the Secretary to actually implement provisions of the bill. The failure to require implementation of the many affected provisions is the equivalent of a parent telling their kids they can clean their room, if they want to.
Congress should pass legislation immediately to further secure the border. Congress could pass a bill creating a program to allow citizens to sign up for a time slot in which they can go to the border and personally help build the fence. Build it out of brick and every bricklayer in the country would probably show up. This is not rocket science.
Congress should immediately raise the bar by increasing the punishment for any employer who hires illegal aliens. Bush should direct his minions to enforce the laws currently on the books in this area, as well.
Some examples of suggestions for legislation that could be proposed by some conservative immediately:
(1) Offer all illegal aliens in the country the opportunity to leave the country within a reasonable time. Create system in which an illegal alien can notify the government when they plan to leave- allowing time to sell or rent out their property, give notice to their employer… If they are detained within this time, they will not face deportation or prosecution. Any illegal failing to file a notice of intent to leave legally will be deported and upon detention will be banned from receiving a visa in the future.
(2) Hire more border patrol agents- is 18,000 enough? Reward BPAs for every illegal alien they detain. Give border Patrol Agents the authority to use force to stop illegal aliens from evading capture. Impose minimum sentences to punish those who attempt to evade capture. For example- those on foot get a minimum of two years. Those in a vehicle get a minimum of 5 years. Those who create a danger to any government employee or civilian receive a minimum sentence of 10 years. Those who cause any serious injury to a government employee or U.S. citizen while attempting to evade capture receive a minimum sentence of 30 years in prison. Any illegal that causes the death of any government employee or U.S. citizen shall face a mandated term of life in prison. Any attempt to evade capture should result in a permanent ban from receiving an entry visa in the future.
(3) Build a double fence across every mile of open land at the southern border. This can be accomplished quickly through the use of multiple contractors working simultaneously. Provide incentive pay for early completion of the fence. Provide 24 hour BPA staffing of every open road between Mexico and the United States. Install barriers on every road between Mexico and the United States that is not staffed by BPAs.
(4) Catch and return all removable illegal aliens after their first capture in the United States. Charge criminally all aliens previously deported who are detained after subsequent illegal entry. Impose minimum sentence of 2-5 years for second offense. In order to reduce the costs of imprisoning illegal aliens, contract with other nations, outside the western hemisphere, to build and maintain prisons to house illegal aliens serving prison time for violation of immigration laws.
(5) Require employers to delay hiring any employee until identity is verified. Social Security numbers must be verified with Federal Government. Fine employers, both large and small, $1000 for every paycheck issued to an illegal alien.
(6) Every illegal alien deported shall be fingerprinted or subject to best available biometric identification methods available. All persons applying for any visa to enter the U.S. will be assessed for past immigration violations and will be denied a visa if previously deported.
The list of potential laws could go on and on.
As many liberals try to paint opponents to this bill as racists I wonder: Why do they cling to rewarding illegal aliens? Do supporters of this bill also think we should grant immediate entry to all of those law-abiding people around the world who so patiently wait in line? Of course they do not.
This inflammatory rhetoric spewed by supporters of illegal immigrants is anti the rule of law.
I am all for legal immigration and I don’t care what country an immigrant hails from, as long as that immigrant enters our country legally and follows our laws. Our government should be developing a more streamlined system that allows for more work related visas.
Our government should allow those who have been waiting in line the opportunity to come to the United States as quickly as possible. Our government should partner with corporations to develop policy that will match those on the wait list with vacant jobs.
And finally, this rhetoric about how America is a nation of immigrants is tedious and demonstrates shallow exploration of the issue of immigration, today. To those who claim America must continue to allow a never ending flow of immigrants into this country I ask: Will there ever be a time when we may need to consider limiting immigration?
The United States is no longer a country of open prairies Yes we may need workers from third world countries to come and pick green beans or nurses to work in under staffed hospitals or computer programmers to make Microsoft even more profitable. These people do not require citizenship and many don’t seek it anyways. Expand the guest worker program dramatically but give the visas to law abiders who have been responsible and waited.
The debate on immigration is not rooted in any sort of logic or fairness. It is rooted in inflammatory rhetoric designed to silence those people who seek to strengthen American sovereignty.
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click hereLabels: Stop Immigration Reform Now and Draft New Immigration Legislation Quickly