Thursday, April 05, 2007

This Yale flag-burning story provides interesting fodder for several reasons:

Whose flag was burned? The CBS version of the AP story states the three students, one of whom being a Pakistani born American citizen, set fire to an American flag hanging outside a home. Last time I checked, one person does not have the right to trespass on another person's property and then burn that person's property. Did this flag belong to these men? If not, where is the homeowner?

Where was the flag? The Connecticut Post reported the flag was mounted to the house and had to be pulled down to prevent the fire from spreading. The police were not responding to a call about the fire. They were returning to the area, after giving the students directions, to verify they found their way to wherever they were going. What would've happened had the police not returned to the area? These three men engaged in reckless behavior that could have destroyed not only a flag but a home, the personal possessions of the homeowner, irreplaceable personal objects, etc.

Who are these three men? One of the men, Said Hyder Akbar, is a Pakistani-born American. He wrote a book about Afghanistan. Gillian Blake, his editor called him "an incredibly articulate, mature, sweet,smart guy." Interesting descriptors for an "alleged" arsonist. One of the other men is Greek and the third is British. Public Defender Sanford Bruce reports these three "gentlemen are clearly happy to be in the United States and happy to be attending Yale."

I am sure they are glad to be here, taking advantage of our liberty, our quality of life and our tolerance. These three men are a disgrace and don't deserve to share space with people who appreciate all our country has to offer.

What is protected speech? We have to tolerate American citizens who exercise their free speech in a legitimate, legal, manner. I hope the authorities don't confuse free speech with what reportedly happened in this circumstance. These three should be charged with any and every crime possible under local law.

Burning a flag is not a prank. While I think it is ridiculously insensitive and disrespectful for Americans to burn the flag, Americans have the right to do so when they do not violate some other law. Americans who burn the flag under the guise of "protected speech" are generally engaging in a very serious protest about some government action they oppose. When foreigners outside of America burn the flag they do so to demonstrate their dislike of what America stands for: individual liberty. Foreigners who are privileged to stand on American soil should maintain a proper amount of respect for this country and its symbols while they are here. Again this was not some prank and anyone who believes that these three are a crew of America-loving peaceniks is simply delusional.

These men were not engaging in an act of protected speech designed to make a greater point. They lit the flag on fire and then slithered away like the snakes they apparently are.

Why did these young men burn the flag? We may never know why these men burned the flag but we can draw a conclusion. According to the report this evening in The Guardian their lawyer would like people to believe that these three were not trying to make a political statement.

If these men do not understand the implications of burning the American flag, especially during a time when we have soldiers fighting overseas, risking their lives, I would like to know how they were able to secure entrance into Yale? Their lawyer may buy this story but most reasonable people will see through this. Was there really nothing else for these apparent pyromaniacs to burn?

These are smart guys who made a decision to burn an American flag. These guys made a statement and many Americans have heard it.

I have scoured the Internet and have not found a single mention of the religious leanings of any of these men. It is a question that reporters should ask. We are engaged in a war against terror that is a war between the sane world and fundamentalist, extremist Islam. People who embrace the beliefs of radical Islam do not respect the freedoms so cherished by Americans. Did these men burn our flag because the American flag represents religious freedom and the strength of America's Judeo-Christian roots?

Yale is a recognized liberal university that would most likely offer a trusting welcome to people whose beliefs differed from those of the average conservative. Lets hope New Haven hasn't become the place that those who seek to undermine America go to for safe haven.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?

1:27 PM  

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