Thursday, March 29, 2007

Shocking: Iran no longer plans to release the female sailor whom they have taken prisoner. Faye Turney has obviously been threatened into writing a letter praising the Iranians. Iran is violating the Geneva Convention by airing videos of the sailors on TV and now threatens to put these soldiers on trial.

The Iranians have demanded the British admit the soldiers were in Iranian waters even though all indications are the sailors were in Iraqi water. No matter where these soldiers were, it is clear that they were not planning any sort of attack on Iran. Iran should turn the soldiers over immediately to avoid an escalation. If Iran does not turn these soldiers over promptly, Britain, with U.S. assistance must act to prevent future Iranian acts.

Britain should immediately move to implement total economic sanctions against Iran. The U.S. and all other democratic countries around the world should also impose sanctions against Iran. We should also interfere with Iranian maritime activity, immediately.

Iran clearly poses the greatest threat to the stability of the Middle East. Iran has chosen a path that offers the UN the opportunity to justly condemn it and sanction military actions against it.

Unlike the enemy combatants in Gitmo who are not protected by the Geneva Convention, these poor soldiers do fall under the Geneva Convention. Where is the outcry from the left demanding their release, criticizing the videos being shown on TV?

The left is relatively silent because so many of them actually blame the British. After all, had they not succumbed to the U.S. pressure to enter the Iraqi war in the first place, these sailors would not have been in a position to be taken into custody.

Be assured that if the Brits (with or without American assistance) do take action that results in the loss of any Iranian life, the Left will be appalled and continue their Blame the Right (i.e. Blame Bush) rants about any and every issue facing the world today.

We know there is no converting the far left. Therefore we should ignore their concerns and do the right thing. We should assist Britain in taking whatever action desired to ensure the safe return of its soldiers and to give the Iranians pause before ever considering this sort of agression in the future.

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