Thursday, March 29, 2007

Iraq War Bills
Yesterday Pelosi claimed to extend a hand of friendship to the President and told him to “calm down” and also chastised him for not respecting the separation of powers in the Constitution. Wow, does she have nerve.

This so clearly proves the adage keep your friends close and your enemies closer. This woman wishes nothing but the worst for this President and for the war in Iraq. The Democrats are being forced to pretend they want to support the troops and their frustration is beginning to show.

As Democratic leadership bribed members with pork to convince them to sign on to the House and Senate legislation, Bush and the Republicans waited, hoping the Congress would do the right thing.

When Pelosi told the press the President needed to understand there was a new Congress in town, she was right. Democratic and disgruntled conservative voters have apparently saddled our country with a Congress with no ideas, no backbone and no integrity.

Bush should quite literally announce every budget item added to the bill to fund the troops. He should point out which congressional districts benefit from each item and which member of congress was willing to trade the security of our troops for pork for their district.

The President shines when he stands up against those who undermine the security of the American people. Let us all hope he continues to stand up against the Democratic effort to use the troops for political gain.

The American people are beginning to see through the rhetoric of the left as support for the war and the surge has recently risen 20%. Talking points will work for awhile but eventually, action must be taken. The Democrats don’t know how to act. It is easy to criticize and hard to lead. The Democrats don’t know how to lead- they only walk in circles.

Bush had a great, quick press conference this morning, again asserting he will veto any bill with excessive pork or with conditions that tie the hands of the commanders in the field. He will not accept the Democrats arbitrary time lines.

Democrats should be warned they have picked the wrong fight. Republicans, and average Americans, will stand united behind Bush and the troops.

Bush articulated the people’s expectation that Congress be wise about how it spends the people’s money. This bill so clearly demonstrates Democratic ignorance about fiscal responsibility and their willingness to throw the troops under the train to make political points.

Bush will stand strong. He will proudly veto the bill and challenge the Democrats to strip out the pork and the time lines.

If the Democrats think the American people will happily watch them go on Spring Break before they resolve this issue, they are woefully ignorant.

Representative Pelosi: The President has offered his hand to you and invited his friends to join him in an honest dialogue about this issue. We have heard you talk the talk. Can you walk the walk?

(By the way, this is a rhetorical question…)

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