Friday, March 09, 2007

Islamic Rule Over Women in the Middle East
What a night on Hannity & Colmes: They featured author Ghazal Omid, who has recently written “Living in Hell” to tell the story of women living under Islamic rule in Iran. See for more information.

Americans must wake up to the threat of extremists who claim to promote fundamentalist Islamic teachings. Moderate Muslims around the world must be more vocal in their denouncement of these extremist attitudes if we are all to find a way to live in peace together. Americans, and in particular American Muslims, must lead the struggle to empower those Muslim people who understand the need to turn on the proponents of violence.

Omid hopes the U.S. will use its relationship with Saudi Arabia to pressure the country to allow women to be free. Women in Saudi Arabia need the U.S. to stand up for them. Her hope seems to be that if Saudi Arabia would move to liberate women, other countries would follow. If only that would happen... By the way, where are the feminists?

Why do people not understand that as long as there are people allowed to profess this hatred with no fear of consequences and perform these atrocious acts of violence against women and non-believers in their extremist views, we have no hope for peace?


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