Thursday, June 19, 2008

In their efforts to transform Michelle Obama into a more likable personality, her team is trying to spin her misspeak from February. Was she "proud" or "really proud" and does it really matter?

Yesterday on the View, MO and the giddy women of the View, tried to offer the real explanation for her lack of pride, or real pride, in the United States in her adult life.

For the first time, after months of scrutiny, they apparently figured out a way to try to justify her ridiculous statement: There was confusion about what she meant- she wasn't referring to her lack of pride in the U.S. No- she meant she had not been proud of the political process...

Thanks to a post on Youtube, we learned that there were actually two speeches on the same day- one in which she made the statement without the word "really" and the second with the word "really" inserted.

Click here:

The sham, or shame, is that she did make the first statement and no amount of replays changes that fact.

They are now trying to pretend that she was misquoted. There was no misquote- there was a redo with a wording change.

Some brilliant reporter ought to ask her "Why did you add the "really" in the second speech?" Was she advised to do it to make it play better? Did she realize she had added the word and if yes, why has it taken so long for her camp to try to explain the quote?

In the end- the Obamas are politicians like most of the others who have gone before them- they aren't about change- they are simply more of the same.

While no one should expect Joy Behar or Barbara Walters to ask a liberal a tough question, perhaps Elisabeth Hasselbeck could have done the women who watch the View a favor and asked MO about the two speeches-even if it might have made the guest host (MO) a little uncomfortable. If she is going to claim the conservative spot on the couch, she should make a better effort to be that voice. The View, and Hasselbeck, owes the viewers more...

The next few months will be critical to our country and women (and men) need to pay better attention to facts. The main stream media can not be expected to do its job- the bias is real and clear and political.

If there is no bias why has there been almost no discussion of this attempt to spin?


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

We Will Drill- The only question left to answer is "When will we begin?"

If the Chinese can drill for oil off of the coast of Cuba, why would Congress stand in the way of American companies drilling in the same area?

Do those standing in the way of drilling think that China will be more concerned with the environment than will our American companies?

Will the Chinese drillers be accountable to our Congress? Will they follow the regulations created by the EPA? Will the oil be more likely to end up in the U.S or other countries around the world? No, No and of course the oil will be shipped around the world. Maybe the UN will help to decide which countries get how much oil for how much money...

Oil Shale fields are available in the U.S. and there are companies ready to develop refineries..

ANWR is available- the equivalent area of a postage stamp on a football field would yield billions of barrels of oil...

If Republicans don't refine their positions on the issues related to oil and energy in response to the growing challenges faced by all Americans they are fools...

If Republicans fail to speak in a clear and unified voice that demands an immediate change in energy policy- they will have ignored what seems to be a clear and necessary path to a more stable economy.

Obama wants "Change" but the change he looks towards in terms of energy is to limit the ability of Americans to live the lives we have been leading. His Change is in fact a regression towards a mean we surpassed long ago.

All Americans should understand that the whimsy of light rail and two-seater cars and bicycle trails are leading our country down a dangerous path. Our society can not and should not turn on a dime to appease global climate alarmists.

There is no question that oil is not the solution to our energy problems but it will be necessary for many, many more years as we develop other alternatives.
The solution to the energy crisis is not for Americans to revert to lifestyles of the mid 20th century because much of the world has never achieved, and may never achieve, our quality of life.

The solution to this problem is not to shame Americans for living a lifestyle that others around the world dream of experiencing.

The solution to the oil problem is to unleash the American spirit and energy by allowing Americans and American companies the freedom to explore, develop and cultivate new technologies as we utilize the vast resources available to us in this hemisphere.
